Welcome to Robert Miles Infant School, a vibrant and successful school located in the market town of Bingham, accommodating up to 180 pupils from Reception until Year 2.
At Robert Miles Infants, we provide a caring environment where all our children feel safe and secure and are eager to learn. Our school has a nurturing and positive atmosphere, where we encourage the children to follow our motto of ‘Work hard, be kind’. Pupils thrive through inspiring learning opportunities and we challenge everyone within our school to achieve their best, working closely with our families to enable our pupils to succeed.
The school has a dedicated, outstanding and talented staff team, who develop and support pupils to achieve their full potential, setting excellent foundations to achieve throughout the whole of their education.
We are lucky enough to have amazing school grounds that are hidden away behind the school. We recognise the importance of outdoor learning and our facilities allow us to offer stimulating, exciting, first hand experiences, including in our Forest School sessions.
Our school day starts at 8:45am and ends at 3:15pm.
We hope that you enjoy browsing through our website. If you would like to know more about how we work at Robert Miles Infants, please contact the school office to arrange a visit.
office@rmischool.co.uk 01949 837 422
“On behalf of all our staff, I warmly welcome you to Robert Miles Infant School. We are proud to have a wonderful team of dedicated staff and a fantastic learning environment to ensure that your children are happy, achieve well and enjoy their first years at school.
We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find any information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school directly with any queries you may have. Thank you for visiting.”
Kelly Ryan BA (Hons), QTSHead Teacher