NewsletterSpring Term - Monday 6th January

~ January 2025 ~

Welcome back to all our families and happy new year to you all!  The end of term was very busy, with lots of Christmas themed activities, so I hope the children have all had a well deserved rest.

Curriculum newsletters, with more information about what your child will be learning this term, will be sent out via Tapestry this week. We're looking forward to another busy term.

Mrs Ryan

Tyre Park 

Nova Education Trust arranged for our tyre park to be resurfaced over the holidays. This work was completed and so the tyre park can now be used. This is one of the children's favourite areas to play on and so we are very grateful to Nova for ensuring we can safely use it again.


Grass area in the mornings

The grass area and equipment in this area (e.g. the bridge) is often very wet or icy in the mornings. From now on, please can we ask that children only play on the concrete playground during morning drop-off. This message has been passed onto the children in assembly today.

Thank you 

Parents of children in Year 2 should have received a letter regarding the Year 2 camp, sent out on the last day of term. The option to pay the £20 deposit is now available on our online payment system MCAS. A copy of the letter can be found here.

If you have not yet set up an account, please contact the office, who will be able to resend the link. You can pop into the office before or after school, or contact them via phone (01949 837 422) or email:

On Friday 14th February, school will be closed for INSET, where staff will be in for training. This is in line with a planned INSET at the junior school.

A copy of the school term dates can be downloaded here, or found on our website via this link.

Dear Parents/Carers

Every year, schools and academies are required to review their admission arrangements. The aim is to ensure that the arrangements continue to be appropriate, and that they comply with all the relevant requirements.

In line with the Department for Education’s School Admissions Code, we are required to consult on the 2026-2027 admission arrangements for Robert Miles Infant School, as it has been 7 years since this last happened.

A copy of our school’s proposed admission arrangements for 2026-27 can be found here. There are no changes to the admissions arrangements from 2025-26.

The consultation will run from 13th December 2024 until 31st January 2025.

You are invited to comment on the arrangements. If you have any comments, please send them to

Responses will be considered with the final published admissions arrangements.

If your child is unable to attend school, please ensure you have phoned the school office to let them know, including the reason why. Schools have a duty of care to follow up on any unreported absences and will phone or email on each day of unreported absence. If we have still not been contacted by the third day of absence, we are required to carry out a home visit to ensure the child is safe and well.

Office phone number: 01949 837 422 (please leave a message on the answerphone if you are unable to speak to a member of staff).

Thank you

All children wear school uniform at Robert Miles Infants. It helps them to feel a part of the school community and makes them easily identifiable on school walks or outings. Please ensure children wear the correct uniform everyday, including black shoes.

Our school uniform consists of:

• Blue sweatshirt or cardigan

• White polo shirt

• Black/grey trousers or shorts

• Grey skirt/pinafore – blue check summer dress may be worn in warmer weather

• Black/white/grey socks or tights

• Sensible black shoes

There is no expectation that children should wear branded items of uniform.

Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled so that we can easily return them to their owner if lost. 

At the end of term, we will leave out all unnamed school items for you to look through in case they belong to your child. 

Thank you 




Please click here for information about funded activities and food for children receiving benefits related free school meals. These programmes run during the following school holidays: spring (Easter), summer, autumn (October) and Christmas holidays.  

Children aged between 5 – 16 years (Reception aged 4 and year 11 inclusive) in receipt of benefits related free school meals are eligible for free holiday activities and food. This is not a food voucher scheme; all activities happen face to face.