Parents’ Evening will take place on Tuesday 25th March and Thursday 27th March, depending on which class your child is in:
Tuesday: Maple and Hazel
Thursday: Willow, Elm and Pine
Everyone will be allocated a 10-minute appointment, based in the school hall. You will have the opportunity to look at your child’s work either side of this appointment.
We will soon send out a paper letter, with a reply slip for you to return with the available times you can do. If you are not able to make the date allocated for your child's class, please speak to your child's class teacher to arrange another time.
Thank you
We have been contacted by a local resident who has expressed concern over parking at school drop-off and pick up times, around the bend on Carnarvon Place, near to Hill Drive. The resident is sometimes blocked from getting in or out of their drive and is concerned an accident will occur. Please can we ask all parents to be considerate when parking, ensuring driveways / access routes are not blocked.
Thank you
The government are proposing changes to the Inspection Framework for educational settings and are seeking the opinions of providers and parents. If you wish to comment on the consultation process, please follow the link below. There is a summary of the proposed changes within the link. The consultation closes on 28 April 2025.
Thank you
The children who attend our before and after school club have been enjoying some new resources, which arrived last week. They were bought using some of the money raised from our fund-raising activities at Christmas time.
Breakfast club: 7.30am-8.45am - cost is £5.50 per session
After-school club: 3.15-6pm - cost is £9.75 per session
Child-care vouchers are accepted. Pupils from Robert Miles Junior School are welcome as we offer a walking bus service.
For enquiries, please visit the school office, or email Office phone number: 01949 837422
Image from
We had a fabulous time celebrating Lunar New Year! Thank you to our wonderful site manager, Eddy, who led an assembly telling us about how and why it is celebrated and answering questions from some of our School Council Team.
Click here for 'What's On Guide' - February half-term activities for under 5s.
Please click here for information about funded activities and food for children receiving benefits related free school meals. These programmes run during the following school holidays: spring (Easter), summer, autumn (October) and Christmas holidays.
Children aged between 5 – 16 years (Reception aged 4 and year 11 inclusive) in receipt of benefits related free school meals are eligible for free holiday activities and food. This is not a food voucher scheme; all activities happen face to face.
Train to teach with the Nottinghamshire Torch SCITT