Please click here for a downloadable copy of the diary dates.
Please note the change of venue for the carol service on Wednesday 11th December due to building work at St Mary's church. This will now be 'Carols in the Playground' at 2.30pm.
If your child is unable to attend school, please ensure you have phoned the school office to let them know, including the reason why. Schools have a duty of care to follow up on any unreported absences and will phone or email on each day of unreported absence. If we have still not been contacted by the third day of absence, we are required to carry out a home visit to ensure the child is safe and well.
Office phone number: 01949 837 422 (please leave a message on the answerphone if you are unable to speak to a member of staff).
Thank you
Last week, Nova Trust held their annual awards night, which aims to celebrate all the amazing things that happen in the schools in the trust. Our brilliant year 2 choir performed songs with choirs from the other schools, accompanied by the orchestra from a number of secondary schools. They were amazing and did us proud!
We were thrilled to win the 'Environmental Impact Award'. The sponsors of this award, Equans, very generously donated £1000 to Robert Miles Infants, which will be used to continue developing our practice in this area.
On Friday 29th November, our year 1 and 2 choir performed on stage at Bingham Market Square, as part of the Christmas fair and lights switch on. They were amazing and made us all very proud of them. Anyone who was watching will agree they made great use of the microphones! Well done to all the choir and thank you to Mrs Attwood and Miss Holt, who run the choir in their lunch hour.
We were so proud of how well the children represented our school when they appeared on a news item focusing on the move from using disposable pudding pots to recyclable ones, on Tuesday's BBC East Midlands Today. BBC Nottingham Radio also did a feature on the school. It was lovely to see how enthusiastically they talked about looking after the environment, as part of our whole school promise to 'care for our planet'.
We will be holding a ‘Chocolate Raffle’ after our 'Carols in the Playground' on Wednesday 11th December, from 2.30pm. We would be very grateful for contributions of chocolate that we can use to make hampers for the raffle. The money raised at the raffle will go towards new costumes for our school performances. There will also be a few craft stalls, with most items costing 50p or £1.
You can buy raffle tickets from the school office (£1 for a strip). There will also be the opportunity to purchase tickets at the Key Stage 1 performances and on the gate from this Friday.
For both the raffle and craft stalls, please bring coins if possible, as we will have limited change.
All children wear school uniform at Robert Miles Infants. It helps them to feel a part of the school community and makes them easily identifiable on school walks or outings. Please ensure children wear the correct uniform everyday, including black shoes.
Our school uniform consists of:
• Blue sweatshirt or cardigan
• White polo shirt
• Black/grey trousers or shorts
• Grey skirt/pinafore – blue check summer dress may be worn in warmer weather
• Black/white/grey socks or tights
• Sensible black shoes
There is no expectation that children should wear branded items of uniform.
Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled so that we can easily return them to their owner if lost.
At the end of term, we will leave out all unnamed school items for you to look through in case they belong to your child.
Thank you
The Bingham Methodist Church would like to thank parents for their donations, which were taken to the Grantham foodbank earlier this week.
The last week of term promises to be very exciting, with lots of Christmas themed activities coming up, including parties, library visits, Christmas lunch, Christmas jumper day, carols in the playground and a surprise visit from a very special person (please do not tell the children about this – we are hoping to keep it as a surprise for them).
To help cover the cost of the food at the parties (this will only be a small amount as the children will already have had lunch) and a gift from our special visitor, we are kindly asking for a £1 donation per child, which can be given to your child’s teacher or to the school office. We will also be setting up an option to pay via our new online payment system, My Child at School (MCAS). You should have been sent an email to set up a new account, so please contact the school office if you have not received one.
A letter with more information about each event can be found on Tapestry, from the post shared on 22nd November.
On Friday 6th December, from 2.30pm, parents / grandparents and carers are invited into school to take part in some craft activities and independent learning sessions (in Reception, we call this our VIP time – Very Important Play).
Due to space limitations, please can we ask that only one person attends for each child? If you have children in different classes, you will be able to spend some time in each class.
Please do not worry if you are not able to make it – the staff will ensure they play and do crafts with any children who do not have an adult there.
Please click here for information about funded activities and food for children receiving benefits related free school meals. These programmes run during the following school holidays: spring (Easter), summer, autumn (October) and Christmas holidays.
Children aged between 5 – 16 years (Reception aged 4 and year 11 inclusive) in receipt of benefits related free school meals are eligible for free holiday activities and food. This is not a food voucher scheme; all activities happen face to face.
Please use these links for information regarding the Rushcliffe Family Hub's Children's Centre timetables:
Train to teach with the Nottinghamshire Torch SCITT