Our shared lunches for Christmas and Lunar New Year have proved incredibly popular with children and staff now regularly join children to have lunch together. As such we would love to invite parents to come and join their child for lunch. Each Friday a class will invite parents/carers to join us. The cost of the meal is £2.70 and this would need booking and paying a week in advance so we can order enough food. Please pay at the school office.
In order to fit everyone into the hall we have selected the following dates for each class.
We have some exciting plans for the development of our school and would love to hear your opinion.
We have two meetings planned. No need to book, just turn up.
You asked for more opportunities to meet with the teachers who will have your child next year. We have planned for each class to have a transition meeting. This is an opportunity to find out about what life looks like in the next year group. You will get to meet their teacher and find out all the important information, such as which day is PE and what the learning and homework will look like. This is Friday 5 May at 2.30. If you are not able to make this meeting the information will go onto Tapestry but do feel free to speak to your teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
Our next parent/carer meetings will be 28 & 29 March. Report cards will go home on 27 March. We will let you know when bookings go live.
Mrs Marshall, SENDCo will also be available to book in with. This is for parents/carers with children on the Special Needs Register. If you have a child with SEN please book to see your class teacher as well as Mrs Marshall.
Mrs Marshall would love to meet with parents of children with SEN. She has planned a very informal coffee morning to get together and share experiences, offer support and have a cuppa and cake together. This will be Tuesday 14 March 10.00-11.00.
We are looking at ways to improve our communication with you. Our website has a calendar function which we will use to put on any key dates and events. We also use Instagram @rmischool to upload photos of special assemblies and work. We have streamlined the website to make it easier to navigate. Hopefully you will have found this Newsletter easier to read as we have changed the format so that it works better on phones. All classes use Tapestry to share information about class events and learning. Please let us know if there is anything we could improve.
Thank you to those who were able to join us for the camp meeting. If you were not able to come along you will have received the pack with all the information and the presentation will be on Tapestry. If you have any questions then please do see your class teacher. We are all very excited to be able to run the camp again and the children will have a fantastic time.
Remember deadline for returning slip and £10 depost is Monday 27th February 2023.
We are looking to increase our governing body. This is a very rewarding role and you get to join a friendly team. If you would like to find out more please speak to Mrs Adams.
Your child may be eligible for additional funding. This money comes to the school and is used to provide interventions for children; additional reading support, speech and language and Emotional Literacy support among other strategies. It would help us if you were to apply, using the link below. It only takes 5 minutes and the school is informed if you are successful. If successful we will give you a free book bag and ten free sessions at Robert Miles Club (worth over £100). Thank you for taking the time to do this.
Train to teach with the Nottinghamshire Torch SCITT