Welcome to Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

In Cedar class our teacher is Mrs Attwood.

In Beech class our teacher is Mrs Dodd (Mon-Tues) and Mrs Farnsworth (Weds-Afro).

Mrs Axten, Mrs Moncaster, Mrs Walters and Mrs Hardy also work closely with the children in Year 1.

Important Information


Mondays/Thursdays (class teacher) and Tuesdays with Mr Bourne (our school PE coach).

Please ensure your child has their full, named P.E. kit in school and earrings are removed before coming to school on P.E. days.

Forest School

Beech class forest school is on a Thursday

Cedar class forest school is on a Monday

Your child will be expected to wear usual school uniform on the top half but for the bottoms please ensure your child wears grey or black leggings or trousers (plain - no logo and no shorts/skirts) which are ok to get dirty/wet etc. Please can the children also bring wellies in a bag for your child to change into.

Reading and Homework

We will be sending home a homework book and reading books appropriate for your child's level of reading. We recommend that you read with your child at least 3 times a week. Please can you initial the diary each week to show this. We will check this every Friday when we change our books.

We will send homework out each Friday that is to be returned the following Thursday. This usually begins in Autumn 2 and starts with a variety of spellings from the list of Year 1 common exception words.

If you have any questions about your child's learning; please don't hesitate to get in contact with your child's class teacher.


We continue to use Tapestry as a form of communication for parents. It is a secure online platform which allows us to send messages to individual parents or whole classes/cohorts. All information held in the platform is stored securely, and can be downloaded and shared as required. Parents are able to view posts which the teachers have uploaded, whilst also uploading their own comments and media. In Year 1, children record their learning both in their work books and through practical activities so you will not see as many pictures of their learning on Tapestry as you perhaps did in reception. However, please continue to log on to Tapestry regularly as we use it as our main form of communication for parents; giving important updates, reminders and newsletters as well as information about other things that have been happening in year 1. Please contact school if you need any support accessing Tapestry.

July 2024


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