Our School Councillors

Visit to Fosse View Care Home

As part of National Reading Week our school council went to read with our friends at Fosse View. We are so proud to be part of our Bingham community.

Our School Councillors 2022-2023

Here are our School Councillors. They meet regularly to share and discuss ideas with Mrs Adams.

School councillors had to give a presentation identifying why they want to take on the role. They were then voted in by their peers. Their role is to present the views and opinions of the school.

Heads of School Council:

Deputy Heads of School Council:

Our School Councillors 2021-2022

Spring 2 Project: Pet project

The school councillors suggested a school pet. They are gathering the views of the rest of the school. Your child may well have come home with a sheet to identify what pet they would like. Please return your ideas to your class teacher. The school council will meet again to review ideas.

July 2024


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