Pupil Premium

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Pupil Premium strategy statement

Pupils in school


Proportion of disadvantaged pupils

22/147 15%

Pupil premium allocation this academic year


Academic year or years covered by statement


Publish date

October 2021

Review date

September 2022

Statement authorised by

Mrs S Adams

Pupil premium lead

Mrs S Adams

Governor lead

Ms N Vaughan

Disadvantaged pupil progress overview for last academic year. No statutory data due to Covid 19

Strategy aims for disadvantaged pupils.

**Targets not yet set for PP children in Reception. Only 1 known child in September.



Target date

Progress in Reading/ Phonics

73% Yr1 PP to reach ARE in Reading (8/11 children)

80% to achieve expected standard in PSC

Yr 2- 67% (8/12 children)

Yr 1- 73% (8/11 children)

July 2022

June 2022

Progress in Writing

For 67% Yr 2 PP to reach ARE in writing (8/12children)

For 73 Yr 1 PP to reach ARE in writing

July 2022

Progress in Maths

For 67% Yr 2 PP to reach ARE in Maths (8/12 children)

July 2022


Improve attendance of PP pupils to 95%

July 2023

Teaching priorities for current academic year.



To improve Quality First teaching in all areas.

Teachers to have a thorough understanding of working memory/cognitive overload, retrieval practice, small steps to maximise learning opportunities.

Improvements to feedback policy focussing on immediate feedback and chances to act on improvement prompts.

This will be delivered through INSET days and staff development meetings via Visible Learning.

Barriers to learning these priorities address

Ensuring that all teaching staff use what has been learned at INSET.

Priority 1

To close the gap in Reading/Phonics.

Quality first teaching of phonics in ability groups following the RWI scheme.

Ensure all relevant staff (including new staff) have received paid-for training to deliver the phonics scheme effectively.

Ensure intervention staff have had RWI 1:1 coaching.

To ensure that gaps in phonics are identified and impact of interventions is tracked.

To continue with RWI development days to ensure quality teaching and identify areas for further development.

Small group teaching for phonics (4 TAs)

Use new RWI training package to share information with parents about how we teach phonics.

To ensure that PP children have adequate reading material closely matched to phonic ability to improve fluency. Purchase of new phonics reading books to support teaching of phonics.

To release RWI leader to monitor, coach and prepare training sessions

Priority 2

To close the gap in writing.

English lead to review opportunities for writing across the curriculum- are they geared to PP boys?

Introduce a ‘writing competition’ to raise the profile of writing.

Homework tasks based on writing.

Priority 3

To close the gap in Maths

To develop the mastery approach to teaching maths in EYFS

To fully embed the mastery approach to teaching maths in KS1

Mastery teaching: To pursue objectives until they are achieved. Pupil progress must be closely monitored with 80-90% achievement

Collaborative learning as a focus of post covid recovery teaching/recovery pedagogy.

Additional daily fluency lessons to ensure concepts are embedded and provide opportunities for retrieval practice.

Mathematical talk (routine use of Stem Sentences) as a focus for maths CPD to strengthen pupils’ vocabulary and grammar

2 TAs supporting in Yr 1 and 2 daily for Maths.

Maths CPD on CPD on managing productive in-class discussions and Q and A sessions;

Maths CPD on supporting Higher Attaining Pupils (Focus on closing the GDS gap)

Staff to access NCETM/Maths Hub webinars.

Projected spending


Targeted academic support for current academic year.



Barriers to learning these priorities address

Lack of parental skill in supporting at home/less opportunities to practice at home. This affects reading stamina and fluency.

Low academic levels on entry.

Some PP children are also SEND and have social care involvement.

Ensure that interventions regularly are tracked and that interventions are based on research.

Priority 1:



1:1 coaching RWI

Ensure PP children have weekly RWI ‘book bag books’ to take home.

Priority 2:


National Tutoring programme to further support children in receipt of pupil premium funding

Priority 3:


Additional tuition will take the form of:

Pre-teaching for pupils identified through formative and summative assessment;

Post-teaching daily for pupils identified through formative assessment

Homework in the form of retrieval practice so accessible to all, irrespective of home support.

Teachers will carefully plan and manage their pairing of peer support and small groups to support PP pupils.

Priority 4: Visible Learning

September 2021 begin visible learning to support children’s attitudes to learning across school.

Projected spending


Wider strategies for current academic year.



Barriers to learning these priorities address

COVID 19 impact on attainment and wellbeing of pupils and their families

· Pupil and parental anxiety.

Self-esteem, confidence, physical and mental well-being – pupils must feel successful in their learning and be aware of their value to the school community.

Possible impact on attendance due to Covid symptoms.

Additional ELSA training for staff

Priority 5:


Tracking of persistent absentees.

Head to meet with parents of children with attendance less than 90%

Move towards fining if necessary.

Priority 6: well being

Mental well-being champion appointed. NCC training programme. Staff member to cascade training to all staff.

Projected spending


Monitoring and Implementation



Mitigating action


Ensuring enough time is given over to allow for staff professional development

Use of INSET days and additional cover being provided by senior leaders

Targeted support

Ensuring that interventions run consistently and staffing is not taken to cover illness.

Maths lead paired with part-time teacher returning from parental leave to free up 2 days a week to lead small groups.

Wider strategies

Engaging the families facing most challenges

Head to build relationships with families and sign post to relevant support where necessary.

Review last year’s aims and outcomes.





Due to school closures and COVID 19 absences children had considerable disruption to their schooling. Engagement was sporadic. Activities were posted online, including phonics lessons. Children were contacted by telephone to encourage engagement. Much of the covid catch up will be spent on support for PP through the NTP tutoring, alongside school based strategies.

There were no statutory assessments for 2020/21. Children were supported through small group tuition and ELSA work. This actively supported well-being.

Because all vulnerable PP children had weekly phone calls to keep in touch staff were aware of any issues and were able to assist, for example paper packs and signposts to learning resources and ideas.

EYs PP children had: priority place in school, weekly phone calls, work set.

KS1 PP had: priority place in school, weekly phone calls, work set, weekly one to one video conference.

September 2024


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