Pine Class

Pine Class

The teachers in Pine Class are:

Mrs Pilborough (Monday, Tuesday and alternate Wednesday afternoons)

Mrs Farnsworth (Wednesday mornings, alternate Wednesday afternoons, Thursday and Friday).


PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.

Please ensure your child has their full, named P.E. kit in school and earrings are removed before coming to school on P.E. days.

Click on the photos below and use the left and right arrows to flick through the gallery.

Autumn Term

Forest School

Our forest school session is Friday afternoon.

We have so much fun with Ms Allin in forest school. We link learning to our school topics and subjects, especially science, geography and art.

Your child will be expected to wear usual school uniform on the top half but for the bottoms please ensure your child wears grey or black leggings or trousers (plain - no logo and no shorts/skirts) which are ok to get dirty/wet etc. Please can the children also bring wellies in a clearly labelled bag for them to change into.We aim to go out in all weathers so if it forecast to be wet, please provide appropriate clothing.

Click on the photos below and use the left and right arrows to flick through the gallery.

Autumn Term

Independent Learning

We believe it is important that children have time to retrieve and practise previous learning. We provide opportunities for children to further embed their learning in their own way within the classroom and we call this 'independent learning'.

Click on the photos below and use the left and right arrows to flick through the gallery.

Autumn Term

February 2025


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