What are we learning about in Autumn 1? (2024-25)
Termly Overview:
Our topics for Autumn 1 are 'All About Me / Bears and other animals'. Please click the link below for more information about the topics.
Autumn 1 parent newsletter (details of the focus / key learning for each week).
We will read and explore lots of books, such as Owl Babies, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt and Dear Zoo. We will learn through play based activities, such as:
¨ Creating pictures and paintings of ourselves.
¨ Bringing in baby photos and playing ‘Guess Who’.
¨ Going on our own bear hunt in our outside areas.
¨ Leaf printing and texture rubbings.
¨ Sequencing story pictures and using them to retell the stories in their own words.
We will use the basic skills we are taught in Literacy and Maths to support our learning throughout the curriculum.
The above themes and ideas are starting points for the children’s learning. Where possible, we will plan activities based on the children’s interests and in response to our assessments and observations.
Exploring our classroom
We have been having lots of fun settling into our classes and exploring the classroom. During Very Important Play (VIP) we continue our learning by choosing activities in different areas including the math, reading, writing, construction, playdough and creative areas. We have attached a few photos below.
Exploring the Classroom
Fun in the outdoor area
We do lots of outdoor learning in the Early Years and have been lucky to get some new climbing equipment, new scooters, building materials and water trays.
We had fun creating vehicles and pretending to be the bear in the 'Whatever Next' story on our journey to the moon.
We also get lots of opportunities to improve our physical development by climbing, balancing, jumping, cycling and scooting.
Outdoor area
Going on a Bear hunt in Forest School
We loved reading the 'Going on a Bear Hunt Story'. We learnt to retell the story and used actions for the different parts.
We talked about the Bears feelings and whether we thought he chased the family because he was scared or that maybe he wanted someone to play with.
We went to Forest school and loved doing the bare foot walk as we retold the story. We walked in water (splish, splash) mud (squelch, squirch) sticks (stumble trip) and grass (swishy, swashy). Unfortunately we didn't have any snow! It was such a fun walk and we talked about how each of the things felt under our feet. Some we really liked the feel of and others we were not so sure of.
After the Bear Hunt, we were trated to marshmallows toasted on the Forest School fire. They were delicious!
We're going on a Bear Hunt
This half term we have been thinking abut Autumn and the changes that happen during this season. We went outside to see what Autumnal changes were happening. We discussed what we found and talked about how the weather is changing and that it is getting darker earlier in the evenings. We collected lots of different coloured leaves, chestnut shells and chestnuts and looked at the bare trees. We found some interesting looking Fungi and talked about keeping ourselves safe and not touching fungi or berries as they maybe poisonous.
During the first 6 weeks of Reception, all children are assessed as part of the 'Reception Baseline Assessment', which was introduced by the Department for Education in September 2021.
You can find a leaflet which explains more about this here: Reception Baseline Assessment - Information Leaflet
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You can find out more information using this link from www.theschoolrun.com
Please speak to a member of the Reception team if you have any questions.
Thank you