Useful Links and Resources

Please find copies of resources to support learning at home:

Letter Tiles - resources to support children to learn the letters/sounds in the order they are taught. They can also be used to make words for reading and spelling.

Speedy Words - Letter to parents - Information about how to use Speedy Words.

Speedy Words - Set 1

Speedy Words - Set 2

Speedy Words - Set 3

Click here for our counting rules, to support any counting work you do at home.

Follow these links to some great websites to support the children's learning:

White Rose Maths 1 minute app - Practise your Maths in 1 minute game!

Topmarks - Maths games for 3-5 year olds

Topmarks - Phonics games, Stories and Rhymes for 3-5 year olds

BBC Numberblocks - access the Numberblocks episodes here (a great resource for teaching early maths concepts)

Free Maths Resources

Phonics Play Great site with some free phonics games - games from their favourite programmes. Links to particular cbeebies games for different areas of learning. - Cbeebies stories and rhymes. - Interactive books and reading activities to share with your child at home.

Purple Mash:

Robert Miles Infant School has a subscription to Purple Mash. It is used regularly in schools to support our computing curriculum, but is a cross-curricular resource covering all subjects.

As well as using it in school, you can access Purple Mash from home on a laptop, desktop or a tablet. Your login details and a password should be in their reading / homework books. These should remain confidential and allow unique access for children and parents.

Please click on the link to the school’s portal to Purple Mash:

You can find lots more links in our Kids' Zone.

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