What did we learn about in Spring 1? (2024-25)
Our topic for Spring 1 is 'Traditional Tales'. Please click the link below for more information about the topics.
Termly Overview - Spring 1 (details of the focus / key learning for each week).
We will read and retell lots of traditional stories, such as Goldilocks, The Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, The Gingerbread Man and The Three Billy Goats Gruff. As part of our topic, we will learn through lots of exciting activities, such as:
Exploring the settings for different stories, using our wonderful outdoor environment.
Building dens / houses using different materials. Which one is strongest / waterproof? How can we check?
Investigating a crime scene - who did it?
We will use the skills and knowledge we are taught in Literacy and Maths to support our learning throughout the curriculum.
The above themes and ideas are starting points for the children’s learning. Where possible, we will plan activities based on the children’s interests and in response to our assessments and observations.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
We were very surprised to discover a terrible mess in Willow class. The home corner had tape around it and the chairs and things in it were all over the floor. We found some footprints and a long blonde hair so came to the decision it must have been ...... Goldilocks. She really needs to think about her behaviour!
We drew story maps to retell the story and created wanted posters and paintings of Goldilocks.
The Three Little Pigs
During our Three Little Pigs week we created our own pigs from playdough. We had to think carefully about their features and how to create the body, head, arms, legs and curly tail.
We learnt about investigations and made predicitons about what material might make a good waterproof roof for the 3 Little Pigs house. We discussed the materials the Pigs had made their houses from and decided to help them make better ones using different construction materials such as duplo, mobilo and wooden blocks.
Three Little Pigs 2025
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
We received a letter from the Billy Goats asking for help to build a new bridge across the river. The Goats needed a safe place to cross, away from the troll.
We used different construction materials to build the bridges and thought about the different designs needed for a bridge. How could we make them strong and long enough!
After building bridges we thought of other ways to cross a river and made some rafts from lolly sticks and other recycled materials.
We acted out the story in our outdoor area and built a bridge using the crates.