What did we learn about in Spring 2? (2023-24)

Our topic for Spring 2 is 'People who help us'. Please click the link below for more information about the topics.

Termly Overview - Spring 2 (details of the focus / key learning for each week).

We will be learning about people who help us in our local community. As part of our topic, we will learn through lots of exciting activities, such as:

  • Visits from our local fire service and police officers.
  • A visit to Bingham library, linked to book week in March.
  • Making our own box model pets.
  • Finding out about ways to keep ourselves healthy.
  • Role play activities linked to the weekly theme, e.g. dentists, firefighters, police.

We have also been in contact with our local fire service as well as health care workers and are hoping they will be able to come and visit the children to talk about their jobs as well as answer any questions.

In the last week of term, we will be learning about Easter and signs of new life (Spring).

Important dates:

w.b. 4th March - Book Week

Tuesday 5th March - visit to Bingham library

***Please check back for photos / information about our term in action***

Doctors and Nurses

We enjoyed learning about the role of Doctors and Nurses. We had our own surgery where the children could dress up and act out looking after the patients. There were lots of prescriptions to write and injections to give but all were well after they visited Maple class's Doctors.

The children also made their own doctors bags.

Vets and Pets

During this week we decided to make our own pets from using boxes and other materials.

We had to think carefully about the size and shapes of the boxes we used and what features each pet needed. We made cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, dogs, snakes and birds. We thought carefully about how to attach the features (legs, ears, eyes and tails) using a variety of tapes, split pins and glue.


We were very excited to have a visit from the police officers. They told us all about their jobs and how they help us. We tried on a police officers hat and saw the hand cuffs up close. We asked them lots of questions which we had thought of earlier in the week.

We then went outside and sat in the Police van before they switched on the lights and siren. It was very loud!


The firefighters came for a visit too. They talked to us about all the different things they do in their jobs from putting out fires to rescuing people and animals.

We watched a video about Dexter the dog who was very good at spotting fire hazards and pointing them out. We discussed the importance of having a smoke alarm and how to check the ones we have at home.

The firefighters bought the Fire Engine with them and we all had a turn at spraying the hose and sitting inside it. It was so much fun!

February 2025


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