Autumn 2024

Our Autumn Term topic is...

Great People who Changed the World!

Autumn Term 1 Curriculum Newsletter

A focus for this topic is to learn about significant people from the past that have made important changes to society. Please take a look at our curriculum page for more information on what key knowledge is taught in each subject.

Keep your eyes peeled for more information on our learning and photographs of the exciting times we have in Year 2.

Art - Drawing

In our Art lessons over the last two weeks we have been inspired by a drawing artist called Kei Meguro who draws realistic self-portraits.

Kei Meguro

Kei's Artwork

Children have been exploring the use of texture, tone, line and shape to create realistic drawings. We have had the opportunity to practise some drawing techniques using different graded pencils which allowed us to compare the tone. We then had a go at using line and shape to draw different facial features before creating our own self-portraits! I'm sure you'll agree, they are amazing! Take a look at some of our portraits below...

Science - Materials

In our Science lessons over the last few weeks, we have been exploring different materials. We have explored the properties of each material and also their suitability. This week we became scientists and carried out our own investigation into how materials can be changed. We enjoyed making our predictions before testing the different materials by twisting, stretching, bending and squashing. We had lots of fun!

Design & Technology - Wheels and Axles

History - Significant Individuals

Computing - Coding

October 2024


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