Welcome to Key Stage 1

Welcome to our Key Stage One page.

We have three mixed year 1 / year 2 classes in Key Stage One.

Our class teachers are:

Elm Class: Miss Holt

Hazel Class: Mrs Attwood

Pine Class: Mrs Pilborough & Mrs Farnsworth

Miss Moskwa, Mrs Tilley, Mrs Axten, Mrs Walters, Mrs Hardy and Mrs Kane also work closely with the children in Year 1 and 2.

Class Pages

Please see additional information about your child's class on their class page e.g. PE and forest school days.


Autumn 1 Curriculum Newsletter


Term Pages

Please see our Autumn Term 2024 page to see our learning during Autumn term.

Important information


Homework is due in every Thursday. We then aim to send the next homework out on the following day (Friday). We choose our homework tasks carefully and ensure it is recapping on previous learning. Therefore, your child should be able to complete the homework mainly independently. If they are struggling, please write a note on the homework to let us know so that we can work with the child in school.

Reading is the most valuable skill for your child to learn. We expect your child to read their 'Book Bag Books' at least three times a week, if possible. Please just initial the reading log inside the cover of the homework book to show they've read at home.

We understand the importance of communication between parent and teacher. Please feel free to comment in the homework book on the next page available which we will look at every Monday when we take in and mark homework.


We continue to use Tapestry as a form of communication for parents. It is a secure online platform which allows us to send messages to individual parents or whole classes/cohorts. All information held in the platform is stored securely, and can be downloaded and shared as required. Parents are able to view posts which the teachers have uploaded, whilst also uploading their own comments and media. In Key Stage 1, children record their learning primarily in their work books and so you will not see as many pictures of their learning on Tapestry as you perhaps did in reception. We upload photos on our website term pages instead. However, please continue to log on to Tapestry regularly as we use it as our main form of communication for parents; giving important updates, reminders and newsletters as well as information about other things that have been happening in Key Stage 1. Please contact school if you need any support accessing Tapestry.

Home learning

Please see our home learning page for more information.

October 2024


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Key Stage 1 News

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