Autumn Term 2023

Our Autumn Term topic is...

Great People who Changed the World!

Autumn Term 1 Curriculum Newsletter

Autumn Term 2 Curriculum Newsletter

A focus for this topic is to learn about significant people from the past that have made important changes to society. Please take a look at our curriculum page for more information on what key knowledge is taught in each subject.

Keep your eyes peeled for more information on our learning and photographs of the exciting times we have in Year 2.


History Knowledge Organiser

We began our history topic by learning a range of key vocabulary to help our understanding. We then looked at some objects from the past and compared them to what they look like now in the present.

The first significant man we learnt about was Karl Benz. He made the first ever motor car in 1886. Children enjoyed learning about him using clues and have thought about how cars have changed from the past (1886) to the present (2023).

We will also be learning about other significant figures from the past and how they have impacted life now. Please look at our history knowledge organiser (above) for further information.

Click on an image below and use the left or right arrow keys to scroll through the photos.

Computing - Word Document

Children combined their computing skills with their history knowledge to create a word document. They researched more about a signficant individual of their choice and typed out their facts. They learnt how to use different keys: space bar, backspace, shift key and enter. They also learnt how to safely insert an image from an online search engine and use tools to change the way the font looks.

Take a look at our brilliant facts pages!


Children worked hard in art to create their own self-portraits. We learnt about the artist Kei Meguro and were inspired by how she uses shape, tone and texture to make her portraits look realistic. We practised using graded pencils and different amounts of pressure to create different tones and textures and then carefully drew our own self-portraits.

Click on an image below and use the left or right arrow keys to scroll through the photos.

Computing - Coding

In our coding lessons we are learning to know how to input an algorithm to make something move in a specific way. We are also learning to debug algorithms that are incorrect. Children have used the website 'PupleMash' to practise their coding skills, on the programme '2Code'. Children know our class username and password to access this at home if they would like to (please just ensure they are supervised appropriately whilst accessing the Internet).

Click on an image below and use the left or right arrow keys to scroll through the photos.

Design & Technology - Wheels and Axles

We have had so much fun in our DT lessons this half-term. We were inspired by our recent history learning about Karl Benz (who invented the first motor car in 1886). We looked at how the wheel and axle mechanism worked and decided to design, make, test and evaluate our own cars. Children chose the equipment they would need and sawed their axles (wooden doweling) to the correct size (under adult supervision of course!). They then attached their wheels and axles to the chassis (frame) of their car. They showed a good understanding of how wheels and axles work and that an axle is needed in order to keep the wheels in place, carry a load and make the car move.

Click on an image below and use the left or right arrow keys to scroll through the photos.

Design & Technology - Spring Mechanism

The children learnt that a mechanism is a moving part. They learnt how to fold card to make a spring mechanism and then used this to create their Christmas cards.

Click on an image below and use the left or right arrow keys to scroll through the photos.

July 2024


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